
Holiday Cards, or Christmas Cards (or whatever they're called now-a-days...)

If we know your address, you may be getting one of these postcards celebrating the Boyd's FIRST Christmas!
But if you don't, you can always print this, and cut it out, and hang it on your Christmas tree.


It's almost here!



Ligers and Crepes

This week I learned about Ligers. I learned that they're huge.
These are the things Jacob is taught in school and then teaches me about.

Onto a different topic...
On Monday I came home from work and Jacob was making crepes from scratch. He had been watching Martha Stewart earlier in the day, and she had a guest on her show who made crepes, and as a result, Jacob made crepes for dinner.

I have to admit, they were good. Very tasty crepes made by my Martha Stewart lovin' househusband.



Jacob is considering getting a doctorate in Medical Anthropology. Pray for him.


Well lookie here...

Our friend Heather Hale, the creator of our very uniquely designed and memorable wedding invitations, posted a little snippet of us on her blog to showcase her beautiful work!

Click here to see them: Jacob and Amanda



Today's the Day...


Good gracious, November is here.

Can I just say praises to the time change? It's been only hours since we turned the clocks back, but boy does it make a difference in the day! Before noon Jacob and I had done our grocery shopping, baked muffins, and watched a movie. Before NOON.

It's November 2nd and 80 degrees outside. It's been this way all week. We spent much of yesterday walking around the Denton square, and we got a little exercise. However, I have to say we probably strained ourselves more watching Texas Tech demolish Texas last night! What a game! I don't keep up with football, but that game was like a well produced action film. Therefore, my uninformed mind was well entertained. Might I add that Tech is my alma mater?

The election is Tuesday. We Boyds voted early. Fear not family, we DID cast our ballots! We are pro-active young American patriots! My dad always used to be very quiet and subtle about who he voted for. Even when I was in elementary school and would inquire of his presidential choice, he would very politely tell me that it was none of my business. I would always proceed to heckled him until he was forced into telling me, because that's the kind of loving 8 year old child that I was. But it always took my asking, and it always took my heckling, because it was private information to my father. I will add that I still heckle him when I want to know things, because that's the kind of loving 23 year old woman that I am.

This habit of his, it seems, has rubbed off on me. So, I am not going to blatantly post who my husband and I voted for, but I will say that we utilized our freedom of choice and drove ourselves to the polls and used those little electronic voting machines and selected our choice of president. Whoever wins, I'm just pleased I got a little sticker that says "I Voted" when I left.
