
New Job!

Amanda is starting a new job on Monday at Lake Pointe Church in Rockwall, TX as a Content Creator!

Over the past two weeks we've been in contact back and forth with Lake Pointe which has involved one two hour interview, a visit to the Saturday evening service in Rockwall, several emails, a couple of phone calls, and some negotiating.

Today, an official offer came through that is hard to pass up, so we will begin a slow transition to Rockwall (Northeast Dallas-ish) and begin serving in the church.

Here's our new church: http://www.lakepointe.org/

The job will involve having a part in creating all of the content that goes up on the big screens in all of the services, including filming, video editing, creating graphics and animation, and helping with the weekend production.

We're hoping this leads to a large amount of involvement within this church and the potential for mission work both in the United States and overseas.




Jordan Singleton said...

And it's a pretty sweet job, let me tell you.

Anonymous said...
